Hope Blooms fulfills its nonprofit mission through two primary programs: Petal It Forward and Flower Empower. New in 2024, we're also developing our Sprout Joy community garden.

Petal It Forward

Our Petal It Forward program harnesses the power of joy by reaching out directly to community members in need with beautiful surprise and doorstep bouquet deliveries.

Hope Blooms creates intentional opportunities for the recipients to engage one-on-one with our delivery volunteers through these unexpected acts of kindness. Countless conversations, smiles and warm hugs are exchanged during these special moments, reminding people they matter.

These interactions combined with the therapeutic benefits of flowers offer a ray of hope and positivity while improving the overall social and emotional well-being of those we serve. Through the simple yet profound gift of flowers, we foster belonging, spread joy and make a meaningful difference in the lives of our community members who face loneliness, social isolation or are going through a tender time in life.

Research has shown the adverse effects of social isolation and loneliness on physical, emotional and mental well-being, leading to increased risks of conditions, such as heart disease, weakened immune system, anxiety, depression and cognitive decline.

Individuals who are unexpectedly alone because of the death of a spouse or partner, separation from friends or family, retirement, loss of mobility and lack of transportation are particularly at risk. A report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine found that nearly 1/4 of adults 65 and older are considered to be socially isolated. This is especially true for our elderly population, which is at the core of who we serve at Hope Blooms.

Flower Empower

Hope Blooms believes in the transformative power of flowers and joy to change the world. Our Flower Empower program focuses on enhancing well-being and social connectedness by bringing people together through hands-on wellness workshops and creating meaningful interactions with others.

Our Flower Empower program works hands-on with those we serve, including the elderly, individuals with disabilities, people in recovery, among many others. 

Individuals have the opportunity to share their experiences and stories working side by side with the Hope Blooms team and volunteers, fostering connections that extend far beyond the flowers themselves.

Research has shown the remarkable benefits of flowers on well-being. The mental and physical benefits to embracing flowers include reduced stress, lower blood pressure, elevated mood, decreased anxiety, improved memory and attention span, as well as enhanced cognitive performance and creativity.

Sprout Joy Community Garden

Our Sprout Joy program is our community garden project that will cultivate hope, grow community and nurture connection. The garden will provide supplemental cut flowers, greenery and accents for our repurposed bouquets from seed to bloom. The program will include seedling selection, planting, flower harvesting, bouquet assembly, and most importantly, delivery of completed bouquets to those we serve.

These special garden blooms will trigger fond memories of personal gardens for those we serve while also offering our volunteers another hands-on opportunity to work with flowers, which improves a person’s overall well-being.

According to the American Community Gardening Association, community gardening fosters a sense of belonging and social cohesion among participants. Our gardens will also encourage intergenerational interactions, bringing people of different ages and backgrounds together.

Engaging the community in every aspect of the process from growing to delivering the flowers will also deepen the impact of our mission and the sense of belonging created by their efforts and the tangible gift of flowers.

Sprout Joy goes back to the roots of our founding, when our founder Kelly spent summers in the garden with her sweet Grandma Freda.